Place de la Gare 12 | CH 1003 Lausanne
© Copyright PolyTech Care 2023
What is a deductible?
A deductible is an amount that will not be reimbursed by the insurance when you claim for your first medical expenses.
Can I visit any doctors?
How can I send my claim to the insurance?
Fast and easy, you can submit your claim through the Allianz MyHealth App.
The App will allow you to access your insurance certificate, your digital card, your reimbursement and statement of account
Do I need to send my medical invoices even though I know the deductible will be applied?
Yes, you do. It is very important to send any medical invoices you might have to the insurance so their services might start deducing those amounts from your deductible. If no invoice has been received, the insurance cannot know that you have had medical expenses and may have already met your deductible.
What is the end date of your insurance indicated on your certificate?
PolyTech Care is a collective scheme which renews automatically on the 1st September. This means that the renewal date of your contract happens on the 1st September each year and that this is the end date which will be indicated on your insurance certificate.
When is your insurance contract renewed? On the 1st of September!
Your PolyTech Care contract will automatically be renewed on the 1st September each year. Four weeks before the renewal date you will be receiving a notification concerning the premiums rate and the benefits for the upcoming insurance year.
No information is required from your side unless you should wish to cancel your contract on the 1st September of the current insurance year.
How to cancel my insurance policy?
Your insurance contract is renewed automatically on the 1st September. Should you plan on leaving Switzerland before the end your new insurance year, do not worry!
You just need to send us then by email a copy of your “attestation de départ” (issued by the local authorities) and we will cancel your policy as of the date indicated on your document. Any premium paid for a period during which your policy would not be active anymore will be reimbursed to you on a pro rata basis.
The refund of your overpaid premium can be made in the currency of your choice on a bank account outside of Switzerland.
Please kindly note that if a claim is submitted for a treatment which happened after your departure date, your policy will be cancelled at the earliest 24h after the last treatment date.
If you are staying in Switzerland and wish to cancel your policy as your status will change (end of your studies, change of permit, start of an employment…), we will require the following documents in order to cancel your policy:
Upon reception of the requested documentation (by email), we will then cancel your policy as of the date indicated on your new insurance certificate. Any premium paid for a period during which your policy would not be active anymore will be reimbursed to you on a pro rata basis.
Please kindly note that if a claim is submitted for a treatment which happened after the start of your new insurance, your policy will be cancelled at the earliest 24h after the last treatment date.